Thursday, November 3, 2011

Musky Leaders

There's alot of Musky leaders out there to choose from. My best tip would be if your only fishing Musky a few times a year with your pike or bass rod and aren't casting bigger musky lures you could get a few wire leaders. Make sure to get at least 50 Lbs test leaders something that can handle a bigger fish. Only thing with wire leaders is that after a few fish your leader is all bent and mangled, your stuck changing leaders more often. Now, if your a big Musky fisherman, I would consider you do make your own leaders with snap swivels and fluorocarbon line. I use 275 lbs test snap swivels and 80 lbs test fluoro.

I'll make my leaders any where fron 12-15 inches when im casting, if I was trolling I would make them 18 inches or plus. I use the canoe knot for my leaders, it's a strong and very simple knot to tie. Here's a ''How to'' video on the canoe knot.

Fall Musky at the Ferry

Went down to the Ferry to try my luck for an hour or so. Started casting a 7 inch Kickin' Minnow(White), maybe 20 casts in Wham! set the hook, Fish-on! Fought him for 45 seconds to a minute and then, nothing.....I switched my bait to a walleye colored Kickin' Minnow after missing that Musky. About 25 casts later right in front of me she hit again but this time there was no getting away. Once she was in, took a few pics measured it and right back in the water in less then 2 minutes. Probably around the 10 lbs range.

36 Inches