Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Musky Mayhem !!!

Started the day off way to early for my liking. We got up at 4:00am, ate breakfast, packed the rest of the stuff into the car and headed off. We made a pit stop at Tim's (Coffee & Donuts) before hitting the road for a while. We arrived there at 6:00am and were on the water by 6:30am. We had looked at a map and figured that it was 2 km to where we had fished last fall(Read Story). We were gonna fish all the way down and on the way back only fish areas where we had caught fish. After the first bend in the river we realized it was pretty shallow(less then a foot) so we got out of the kayak and pulled them for awhile.

We continued walking, still getting in and out of the kayak to paddle along weedy areas where there was maybe 6 inches of water.

We would get to some opening where the water was 5 feet deep, but packed with Lilly pads of the shore line and cabbage right under the surface. Each cast was bringing in a whole bunch of weeds. We try to fish it abit but decided to continue with our trek. I though this was gonna never end, we kept on walking and walking and walking. Going over old beaver dams, bridges, paddling thru more weeds, walking thru little streams, when will this end!

After 1 hour and 45 minutes, a sign of life. We came up to this nice big pool of water witch had a great big rock on the right hand side.

As soon as I paddled towards to middle of the pool, I knew by looking at the sonar there was fish here. There were multiple drops and big clouds of bait fish all around these drops. We had finally found a pool of water that was more then 5 feet deep. The deepest spot was 10 feet in this pool. It didn't take too long for the action to start. I was casting right beside the rock and Wham! Fought him for a while, but as soon as jumped out of the water and shook his head a few times my lure shot out of his mouth. After taking a look at what he did to my spinnerbait, all twisted up and bent the trailer hook, I took out the musky rod and started fishing with a 10 inch Kickin' Minnow. Shortly after I get another bite, 4-5 head shake and nothing......He let go! We decided to let the spot calm down and move on to the other pool. This is where we both caught our first one! This was my 1st Musky ever caught! She measured 34.5 inches & weighed 8Lbs 3oz.

 32.5 Inches

We continued along to the next stretch of water and recognized the bridge in the water.We were close by to where we had fished last fall. As soon as we got there, my buddy starts casting right against the cement bridge and Wham! his second one of the day.

29 Inches

We took a little break on the bridge to stretch out and eat abit. Made a few cast on the other side but no luck. Packed up and started heading back to where we had launched. We stopped and fish both pools on the way back. This is where I caught my second one. It was pretty beat up along the tail. Battle wounds, I would think.

31.5 Inches

We fished the last pool till 2:30PM and from there had a 1 hour and 45 min walk back, without much paddling. Wow! What a day, next time were gonna try another launching area. Less walking = More fishing.
I have to say though it was well worth the trek!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

1st Annual Josh Murdock Open

A friend of mine organized a little Bass tournament on White Lake in Arnprior this weekend. It was a one day event from 7am - 4pm, with three different time slots you could weigh fish. For every time slot there was a 1st (100$ Gift card at Sail), 2nd (35$ Gift Card at Sail) & 3rd prize (15$ Gift Card at Tim's). The Big Bass of the day prize was 350$. Not knowing the lake I started the first 3 hours close to the weight-in and pounded weed beds. Half hour in caught a 11 ounce bass, that I later weighed in to take the lead with 25 minutes to go to the first weigh-in. Obviously didn't stay in the lead to long when a few boats showed up to weigh theirs fish.

For the afternoon a baseball teammate of mine invited me to fish in their boat. We adventured abit further on the lake hitting up the shore line where there was drop off and docks. I caught a little bigger fish this time on a jig tipped with a 5 inch Shadalious. That was it, till we had to go back to weight in for the second time slot. Once in I took a look at the leaderboard and decided to keep my fish for the third time slot and try to win that one as two fish were bigger then mine in the second time slot.

2 lbs 2 oz

Late afternoon we tried our luck with Texas rig's in some weedy areas. My buddy Phil caught a little guy on a lizard. we both weighed our fish for the last time slot but no luck. I ended up leaving with the ''DINK'' prize, witch was the smallest fish weighed. I won 5$ at Tim's and a bottle of Wiser's. I had a blast and will be back next year to try my luck.  

Thursday, July 21, 2011

First Bass Of The Year!

Went down to the Cumberland Ferry this morning to try my luck at jigging for walleye. Had a few small bites in the first 30 minutes but couldn't seem to be able to hook them up. Finally set the hook on one and wasn't even a walleye, it was a 12 inch LargeMouth Bass. The first one of the year, Yeah! Caught an even smaller one a few minutes after.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pike Anyone?

Decided to do a little road trip with my fishing buddy's Dan & Manny. We drove up north for about two hours then parked in an abandon field and launch our kayaks. The spot looked so nice it was sure to produce fish, and it did not disappoint! It all started when Manny hooked up the first fish of the day about an hour in. Gave him a good fight before he was able to land him. Not even half hour later Boom! another one on Manny's line. This one was abit bigger then the first. Did not get a good picture of that one as it wiggle free out of Manny's hands. Then Dan hooked up two within an hour. Finally I caught one on a big Seeker shad. Thanks boys for showing me your spot! Can't wait to go back!

 35 Inches

 Approx. 37 Inches

 33.5 Inches

Low 30's Inches